Pretty Please is Vienna’s first kink-positive event series that combines fetish and party. Aside from typical music and rusty clichés we are hosting kinky dance parties where the focus is on fun and a wild atmosphere. We prove that fetish isn’t only grim and dark and bring a fresh breeze into the scene.
Pretty Please is an organization founded by some young people which weren’t happy with the current BDSM scene in Vienna. Too many clichés, too less party.
What was initially meant to be just a regulars’ table has grown to a much larger project in the last years. We want to create a platform for young both experienced and unexperienced people with diverse fetishes to connect, exchange and play.
Our motto is „Create your own scene“. We want you to be whoever you want to be and live out your fetish without being ashamed of it. We all have very diverse fetishes and that’s just what makes us special. Therefore, we are committed to a more open approach and against tabooing of the topic.
Come as you are, be as you like!
In order to provide a safe space for both experienced and beginners, our mentoring crew is present at all events.
These people act as contact persons, should you have questions or inhibitions to mingle with the crowd. They also keep an eye out that nobody at the party feels excluded or uncomfortable.
Our Mentoring-Crew also pays attention, so they can intervene in precarious situations. But they are not professional Dominas or Masters, just people like you and me with diverse fetishes, that want to spread their knowledge.
We are also available online. Should you have any questions regarding our events, BDSM/ Fetish in general, or need some tips on where to go, just contact us!
If you want to exchange with like-minded people join our Facebook group: